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Grampian Campervan Hire

Algemene Voorwaarden Campsite

The Grampian Campervan Campsite (named GCC/the Campsite/we/our) rules apply to all guests staying with us on our campsite.

Guests are required to accept and adhere to these rules under the Booking Terms & Conditions which must be accepted by the guest at the time of booking.

These rules are in place so that guests staying with us enjoy their holidays as much as possible while remaining considerate of other guests on site. Our members have already agreed to follow these rules, plus The Caravan Code and The Countryside Code, as part of being a guest.

1. Arriving at the campsite

  1. Arrival time on site is normally after 1pm and before 8pm but please contact us for exact times. Please ensure arrival is at or after the earliest arrival time, to allow our site teams to prepare the campsite for new guests arriving. This is also important so that departing guests leave the campsite safely. Once you have arrived at site, please do not leave your vehicle to secure your chosen pitch, this should only be done once you have checked in.
  2. Should arrival be before the earliest arrival time, guests are likely to be asked to leave the campsite and return later. If an early arrival is anticipated, guests should plan to stop in a safe location away from the campsite until the appropriate time to check in is reached.
  3. We may not be able to accommodate a guest's stay if arrival is after 8pm and site staff are not notified. Therefore, please make every effort to notify us well in advance if a later arrival time is expected.
  4. If guests want to pitch in a late-night arrival area (subject to the site having the facility and availability), please discuss this with the site staff in advance of arrival. Late night arrivals areas can only be used if guests have a booking for the same day, pitch and per person charges will apply.
  5. Where possible we will update our 'Grampian Campervan Campsite’ Facebook page with details of external events or work made known to us that may impact your stay.
  6. Our site staff have the right to refuse entry to the campsite if they believe a breach of Company Byelaws, health, and safety and/or Campsite Rules may occur.
  7. Guests will need to have their booking form registration number ready to confirm their booking.
  8. If applicable, guests will be asked to pay to the site staff any outstanding balance of pitch fees for their stay.
  9. Specific pitches cannot be reserved as part of a booking. After arriving on site, guests may choose one of the available pitches for the pitch type that has been booked. If a guest has a large or very heavy outfit, a specific pitch may need to be allocated. Please refer to individual sites for the maximum length of outfit before booking, and prior to arrival check with the campsite to ensure there is a suitable pitch available for large or heavy outfits. There may also be times when pitches have to be specifically allocated due to site layout, safety reasons or ground conditions. Once guests have selected their pitch or it has been allocated, and before setting up, they must promptly return to reception and advise site staff of the pitch number.
  10. Bookings must be made in the name of the person who is going to be staying on the campsite.
  11. Site staff are also responsible for the security of the site.

2. Management and help on site

  1. If a guest requires any help, advice or has any difficulties they should contact Mieke the owner. The owner is responsible for the smooth running and safety of the campsite and for making everyone’s stay as enjoyable as possible.
  2. So, everyone can enjoy holidaying on our campsites, please follow the site staff’s requests and all notices and instructions. The health and safety of all our guests is particularly important to us.
  3. If anyone on site disregards these rules and/or disrupts the enjoyment of others, the site owner has the right to ask them to leave the site.
  4. Compliance with our Campsite Rules is and a condition of site usage for all guests. Those not complying may be reported and asked to leave with no refund.
  5. Our site staff are in place to ensure things run smoothly and should be contacted in the first instance to help resolve any issues. If an issue hasn’t been resolved or guests would like to get in touch, please contact Mieke the owner who is on site or call 07799304868
  6. From time to time, we may need to introduce new guidance or processes, possibly at short notice, to comply with changes in government guidance or legislation. Everyone on site is expected to comply with these changes to ensure the safety of all site users and staff. Failure to do so could lead to guests being asked to leave the campsite.

3. Behaviour on site

  1. When staying at our Campsite please respect the comfort, privacy and convenience of other site guests and don’t behave in a way that discredits the Campsite or would constitute illegal behaviour. Verbal or physical abuse towards staff or guests will not be tolerated and will result in guests being asked to leave the Campsite. Those not complying may be reported to the police and will be refused access in the future. If there is an incident on our Campsite, particularly where the Campsite Rules and/or Byelaws may have been broken, information about the incident may be logged and the event investigated.
  2. When taking photographs or video for personal use, guests are requested to be mindful of others and respect the privacy of people around them, especially children. Guests may not take photographs or videos for commercial purposes unless by prior agreement with the Campsite.
  3. Drones are not permitted to be used by guests on our campsites. However, our Campsite may occasionally commission trained, insured, and licensed professionals to take footage and/or photos of our campsites for promotional and/or marketing purposes. In those instances, the campsite(s) involved will be made aware that the drone operator will be visiting so that guests can be informed. The drone operator will be asked to try not to include identifiable people, but there may be occasions where guests will be asked for their consent to feature in the footage and/or photos.
  4. If guests have children with them on the site, they are responsible for their supervision.
  5. To ensure that property is not damaged whilst on site, no loose ball games are allowed on or near pitches. Please consult the site map on the website or upon arrival for play areas or ask the site staff for suitable locations to accommodate ball games.
  6. Guests are asked to always respect other guests’ privacy. For example, do not cut across or behind occupied pitches.
  7. Be always mindful of the noise levels on the pitch, ensuring that you do not disturb other guests after 10pm.

4. Noise

  1. Please think of others and keep musical instruments, radios, televisions and so on, at a considerate noise level. Generators should also be used with consideration for others, please don’t operate them between 6pm and 9am.
  2. There may be some grass cutting and grounds maintenance during guests stays. These are carried out to keep our sites up to the standard guests would expect. We will aim to do this when least likely to cause disturbance, but some noise may be unavoidable.

5. Pitch conditions

  1. The maximum time guests are allowed to stay on site is usually 5 consecutive nights, with a 2-night gap before guests can return to the same campsite. Please ask owner for clarification.
  2. On most pitches, outfits may be pitched nose or tail in. Site staff will advise guests where their outfit should go in relation to the pitch marker(s). If guests wish to pitch in any other way please ask site staff
  3. To avoid the spread of fire, there must be at least 6 metres spacing between facing walls of adjacent caravans, motorhomes.
  4. To show consideration for others, guests must please leave their pitch clean and tidy when departing the Campsite.
  5. Site staff must be informed if guests intend to leave their outfit unoccupied overnight unless guests are using a designated seasonal pitch. Normal booking fees will apply to the unoccupied period.
  6. If guests have a motorhome and are leaving the Campsite, i.e. for a day out, they may save the pitch by clearly marking it as occupied.

6. Using awnings or other items

  1. Guest can upon request erect an awning, however the surface is hardcore.
  2. Should guests' awnings be wider than 2.5 metres and the awning pitch be unable to accommodate the size of this, the guest will be unable to erect their awning.
  3. All items erected must be located within the designated pitch area, and should not encroach outside of this, particularly not onto grass fingers in between hardstanding pitches.
  4. Only empty the contents of chemical closets at the disposal points provided.

7. Sanitation

  1. Please wrap disposable nappies and similar bulky items in a bag and place them in the bin provided. Please do not put them in the chemical closet emptying points.

8. Wastewater

  1. Please collect wastewater in a suitable container and empty it at the disposal point provided. Please do not allow it to overflow.
  2. Guests are not permitted to carry out a vehicle wash on site.
  3. Please recycle as much rubbish as possible in the appropriate areas. We cannot accept bulky items and ask that these are disposed of in an alternative and appropriate manner.

9. Rubbish disposal

  1. If guests need to use medical equipment which results in clinical waste, guests must provide their own safe means of disposal and take these items off-site for disposal.
  2. As soon as possible after arrival, guests are strongly recommended to get to know the campsite’s fire safety precautions and location of fire points.

10. Fire precautions

  1. Fires must not be lit on site, this includes fire pits or similar items (unless it is a provision from the Campsite in the appropriate area).
  2. The Campsite allows guests on request and notification to use barbecues. Please make sure smoke and fumes are kept under control so as not to inconvenience fellow guests staying on site.

11. Barbecues

  1. Barbecues must be raised off the ground enough to reduce fire risk and avoid grass damage.

12. Dogs and other pets

  1. Guests are responsible for the behaviour of their pets and for ensuring they are not a nuisance to other guests. Pets must be contained securely, either within a guest’s outfit/accommodation, an appropriately ventilated vehicle, purpose designed cage, or secured by a lead not more than 2 metres long. Please ensure pets are exercised in the dog walk areas, where provided, and guests must always clean up after their pet. Guests should try to restrain their pets from toileting on the pitches of other guests.

13. Roads on the campsite

  1. Guests must drive their vehicles with consideration for pedestrians, including children and other vulnerable road users who have priority over vehicles on our campsites’ path. Guests must have a full current driving licence, insurance for the vehicle being driven and they must follow the principles of road safety. Cars and motorhomes must have a valid road fund licence. Vehicle speeds should not exceed 5mph (equivalent to a vehicle being in first gear or a person moving at a walking pace)
  2. Please remember that other guests' pitches are strictly not to be encroached.
  3. Non-motorised recreational ride on equipment is not allowed.
  4. Motorised, ride on leisure equipment is not acceptable on our Campsite, in line with government rules on public roads.
  5. Motorised and battery-operated equipment on site is acceptable for use by disabled and mobility restricted guests to allow them to access the relevant areas of the site as required. They need to be operated in line with the traffic management system and abide by the speed limit, and users must always show consideration for other guests when using the equipment.
  6. Pitches should be vacated by 12 o’clock/midday.

14. Leaving your pitch

  1. If guests would like to remain later on site, not necessarily on the same pitch, please speak with the site staff. Be aware that charges may apply if staying beyond 4pm.
  2. We understand that guests sometimes wish to leave the site earlier than originally planned. Please contact the owner before you leave the site.
  3. We accept no liability for any injury, loss or damage to property, people, or pets while on the campsite because of events beyond our control. This includes injury, loss or damage that occurs subsequent to an event that happened as a result of an event beyond our control. Events beyond our control include but are not limited to: fire, adverse weather (including flood, storm, hail), explosions, break-in, theft, criminal damage, riots, industrial action, natural or nuclear disasters, epidemics, pandemics, war or threat of war, Gods act, actual or threatened terrorist activity.

15. Liability

  1. We cannot take responsibility for, or pay compensation because of, events beyond our control.
  2. We accept no liability for any accident, injury, loss or damage to any property, people or pets while on GCH campsite unless the cause can be evidenced to be due to our negligence.
  3. Guests are responsible for the belongings they bring with them during their stay with us.

16. Security of guest property

  1. Guests are advised to securely lock outfits and vehicles and remove valuable items from sight when not in attendance.
  2. If guests, choose to bring their own bicycle we strongly recommend that they have specific insurance that will cover the bicycle if stolen.
  3. If damage is caused to guests’ property while on-site, they must make the site staff aware as soon as possible and provide details of the circumstances and cause of the damage.

17. Damage to guest property

  1. We will contact the guest in writing once we have been made aware of the incident. If we consider we are liable for the damage we will ask them to provide a repair/replacement estimate.
  2. We may require guests to obtain alternative estimates if we consider the estimated cost of repair is unreasonable.
  3. Where it can be proven that we have acted negligently we will reimburse the guest for the repair or replacement of the damaged item(s), subject to agreement to estimates for the repairs or evidence of value.
  4. We will not pay for any damage caused by another guest or third party (unless acting on our behalf) while on site. Please be aware that we are not able to provide details of other guests or third parties due to UK data protection law.
  5. If guests cause any damage to our property, accommodation, articles or facilities, we will recover from the guest the cost to repair or replace the damaged item(s). This will include any call out charges that are required to assess the damage and/or to repair or replace the item(s).

18. Damage to Grampian Campervan Hire / Campsite property

  1. If damage is caused to our property while on site, guests must make the site staff aware as soon as possible and provide details of the circumstances and cause of the damage.
  2. Unless it is possible to take payment for the cost of damage at the time of reporting, we will contact the guest in writing once we have been made aware of the costs involved to repair or replace the damaged item(s), and explain how to reimburse us.
  3. If any sums owed by guests remain overdue (wholly or partly) for more than three months, despite reasonable attempts by GCC / GCH to recover the debt. And future site bookings will be cancelled. In addition, GCC / GCH may make a court claim to recover costs.

19. Force Majeure

Neither party shall be liable for any breach of this agreement caused by an event of Force Majeure.

‘Force Majeure’ means one of the following types of events: Acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake, or other Natural Disaster; Epidemic or pandemic; Terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion any law or any action taken by government or public authority.

20. Use of personal data

When the customer books a pitch, GCC collect personal information such as name, home address, email address and Telephone number. This information is used to secure the booking. The Customer ’s identities will be shared with the Insurance company if required. GCC will not share or sell any personal data with any other company or individual.

21. Complaints

GCC is contactable on 07799304868 throughout the rental period.

Damage or complaints must be reported immediately on this number or speak with the owner before leaving the campsite.

If a complaint is not satisfactorily resolved upon return, the hirer must inform GCC in writing within 14 working days

By email:

By post: Mieke Guijt, Grampian Campervan Campsite, Muirs of Seggieden, Kennethmont, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, UK, AB54 4NU

22. Governing law

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of Scotland.

Any dispute may be settled in the courts of that country.

Gelukkige kampeerders!

Geloof ons niet op ons woord! Bekijk wat onze eerdere klanten te zeggen hebben over Grampian Campervan Hire.



We had an absolutely amazing trip around the NC500 in the Mount Keen. The van was immaculate, fully kitted out, fantastic to drive, and very comfortable. With 2 adults, a 14 year old and a labrador. .I would definitely recommend Grampian Campervan Hire!

5 van 5 beoordelingen



When I arrived the first thing I noticed was how the vans were all gleaming and clean. Mieke explained all the functions and controls of the campervan so clearly. We will use Grampian Campervan Hire again but would highly recommend them.

5 van 5 beoordelingen



Winter campervan hire My husband, our 2 children and I have just returned from a few days away in one of Grampian Campervan Hire’s Fiat Ducato campers and we had a wonderful time. Mieke was friendly, welcoming, organised and so helpful. The van was in good condition and very clean with loads of helpful bits and bobs like games for children, a shopping bag, toilet roll etc. as well as the usuals like pots and pans and also good written instructions. Mieke was also very quick to respond when I had some queries during our hire. I would not hesitate to hire from them again and would definitely recommend them to others.

5 van 5 beoordelingen

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